The Magic Flooot 3
Festival of Hand Drawn AnimationSaturday, January 25, 2020: 8:00PM$5
A Manual (or memoir) For Learning (or knowing) About a Tenative (or fleeting) Ticking Thought Machine (or being) Ayesha Raees
The Return of Fantasia, Andy Heck Boyd
Toiler, Conor Donahue
Two Truths and A Lie, James J.A. Mercer and Yifan Jiang
My Friend Nearly Killed Patti Smith, Richard O’Connor
Grind, Sun Han
Geologics, Vania Xiang
Boulder Ranch, Kevin Eskew
Octopus, Birgit Rathsmann
Style Your Life, Evelyn Wang
Val Sex Dream, Alex Gibson
Kaleidoscoping, Carla Lopez
Wild Girl Animation, Pooh Kaye
Hello Hello, Andy Heck Boyd
Dream Dog Infinite Mall, Sophie Galowitz
There were Four of Us, Cassie Shao
Cunt Eyes, Lale Westvind
Lord I: The Records Keeper, Lori Damiano
Egg People Excerpt, Rebecca Bird
The Magic Flooot 3 is made possible by public funds from the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Departmant of Cultural Affairs, and from the Decentralization Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, both administered in Kings County by Brooklyn Arts Council.
Curated by Rebecca Bird and Matthew Thurber, the Magic Flooot series exists to promote, prioritize and propagandize the hand drawn in animation, and sprouts a new vowel each time it occurs. We push sweated-over artist-made films to the front and encourage them to take a bow. All of the works screened wear their handmade personality proudly, in a dazzling ensemble of idiosyncratic and experimental work. As they strut the runway the audience murmurs “I cannot believe they made that by hand!” This is the best of animated couture folks- finger snap!